Traveling Overseas? Travelflips are a Must Have

The newest innovation in world travel is surprisingly hands-on. It’s called Travelflips. And its creator believes his handmade artisan design recaptures the romance of world travel.

 “Travel is ultimately a kinesthetic way of learning. You see people, you touch things, you smell air, you hear and you communicate,” says Travelflips founder Michael Medvedev.

 Travelflips are portable language flashcard kits for international travelers. They’re compact, simple and effective — and sure to become the ultimate travel accessory for true explorers. But in a world of smartphones and electronic gadgets, why not go digital?

 “The joy of travel is that visceral experience,” says Michael when asked why he chose a traditional flashcard system over an app. “When you travel to a foreign country you don’t go there to visit it, you go there to experience it. Having an attractive set of language flashcards in your hand gives you that added physical connection in a way an app never could. It’s tangible, it’s real and it’s effective. Plus, it makes a great gift.”

 Aesthetics and opinion aside, it may be that the Travelflips flashcards have science on their side.

 A study by researchers at Southwestern Oklahoma State University found that traditional flashcards were preferred over smartphone apps among college students preparing for exams. Students who had flashcard apps on their cell phones were less likely to use it. Not surprisingly, the study shows that ready access to social media and games presents too much of a distraction for many users to maximize usage of flashcard apps. Moreover, the study also suggests that traditional paper flashcards may be a more effective way to learn and retain knowledge over time. 

That is no surprise to Michael.

 “I love traveling and exploring the world,” he explains. “On trips to foreign countries, I would make a cheat sheet or a small deck of flashcards for myself with common words and phrases. Having something on my laptop or phone just wasn’t as effective as a stack of flashcards and flipping through while on the train or waiting to board the plane.”

 Michael found his approach so effective that he thought it would make a great tool for any traveler. He wanted to create something that harkened back to what he always envisioned as the golden days of global exploration – before GPS devices and smartphones.

 With inspiration from the early design and flavor of National Geographic Magazine, Travelflips were created with an authentic turn-of-the-century look and feel. 

“Travel lets you understand a new culture through socializing with locals, bringing better memories back from your trip,” he says. “For me it starts with language. If you speak a foreign language you are lucky. If not, there are still ways to prepare yourself and learn a handful of essential words even if you don't have much time. Travelflips makes the language real, even before you board the plane.”

 For more information about Travelflips visit
